Introducing Heather Knewstubb

Hi! I’m Heather, founder and Director of Time Genie. I live in Waikanae on the beautiful Kapiti Coast of New Zealand with my husband Chris (also Time Genie’s Financial Manager and IT guy) and our Shetland Sheepdog Marty. We have two great kids who have grown up and flown the nest – a daughter in Auckland and a son in Scotland.

Before Time Genie I had had two quite different careers. I was a primary school teacher working in New Zealand’s South Island and North Island. Music was my speciality – I led choirs, taught guitar, took syndicate music and was involved in school productions, including writing original songs.

In 2004 I became an Educator for Life Education Trust a health education programme taught in a mobile classroom that moved from school to school. This was a very cool job and I got to work with Harold, Life Ed’s mascot (a gorgeous giraffe puppet) for four years.

From there, I segued into health by becoming a Health Promoting Schools Advisor for Regional Public Health in Wellington. This was the beginning of a whole new career in Public Health, which included project management and leadership roles.

I started my own business for the same reason that hundreds of people do. I wanted an interesting job, working with interesting people - without having to commute an hour each way into the city. Working from home also gives me more time to enjoy the wonderful lifestyle that the Kapiti Coast offers!

So what skills do I bring to you and your business?

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