I am as interested in your business as YOU are!

You need someone who is more than a virtual assistant. You need someone who is your ally - someone you can bounce ideas off and then who can be trusted to go out and make things happen...

I can devise a package to suit your needs.

Whatever tasks you don’t have the time (or the desire) to do but need to be done to keep your business growing - that is what Time Genie specialises in.

How can we work together?

Most clients choose a number of hours a month and we meet at the beginning of each month (either live or virtually) to discuss what work will be done during that time.

How does it work?

I am flexible. We agree on the work to be completed and packages can also change from month to month. Alternatively, you may have one piece of work you would like Time Genie to complete within a specified time frame.

Thumbnail diagram of the Time Genie pathway.

Click the image to enlarge

Does this sound appealing? Book a time for a friendly, no-obligation chat

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Questions you may have